onsdag den 7. december 2011

Powerful images from 2011!!!

A U.S. Army soldier takes five with an Afghan boy during a patrol in Pul-e Alam, a town in Logar province, eastern Afghanistan.

A demonstrator mooning to riot police during a protest by European workers and trade union representatives to demand better job protection in the European Union countries in Brussels on March 24.

An aid worker using an iPad captures an image of a dead cow's decomposing carcass in Wajir near the Kenya-Somalia border on July 23.

Christians protect Muslims during prayer in Cairo, Egypt.

Robert Peraza, who lost his son Robert David Peraza in 9/11, pauses at his son’s name at the North Pool of the 9/11 Memorial. 
This sightseeing boat, Hama Yuri, was pulled 1300 feet from the coast and somehow balanced itself on a two story house during the tsunami in Japan.

A woman jumps from a burning building during the London riots in August.

84-year-old Dorli Rainey was pepper sprayed during a peaceful march in Seattle, Washington. She would have been thrown to the ground and trampled, but luckily a fellow protester and Iraq vet was there to save her. 

A protester gets sprayed in the face with pepper spray at an Occupy Portland protest.

Members of the national security team receive an update on the mission against Osama bin Laden in the Situation Room of the White House on May 1.

A man sits in front of a destroyed apartment building following the Joplin, Missouri tornado

A girl in isolation for radiation screening looks at her dog through a window in Nihonmatsu, Japan on March 14.

A boy looks at a figure of Steve Jobs next to flowers laid in his tribute at an Apple store in Hong Kong, China.

Two lights from the former site of the World Trade Centers shine for the 10th anniversary of 9/11.

Phyllis Siegel, 76, left, and Connie Kopelov, 84, both of New York, embrace after becoming the first same-sex couple to get married at the Manhattan City Clerk's office.

Australian Scott Jones kisses his Canadian girlfriend Alex Thomas after she was knocked to the ground by a police officer's riot shield in Vancouver, British Columbia. Canadians rioted after the Vancouver Canucks lost the Stanley Cup to the Boston Bruins.

A University of California Davis police officer pepper-sprays students during their sit-in at an "Occupy UCD" demonstration in Davis, California.

A distressed bride attempts suicide in China after her fiance abruptly called off their marriage. Still in her wedding gown, she tried to kill herself by jumping out of a window of a seventh floor building. Right as she jumped, a man managed to catch and save her.

Firefighters of Ladder Company 4 — which lost seven men on 9/11 — perched together on their aerial ladder, watching a news bulletin in Times Square declaring that Osama bin Laden was dead on May 2.

torsdag den 6. oktober 2011


When the day is dull and rainy and you know their's a pile of homework waiting for you, nothing saves the day like a cup of coco!!!

mandag den 29. august 2011

I'm so... I don't know

I'm so confused 
I'm so excited 
I'm so tired 
I'm so in doubt
I'm a little skeptical 

søndag den 24. juli 2011

watch it wide-angled

That the hell...

I just got home from a nice summer holiday in greece, where the system is breaking because of too much corruption and a mishandling of the government. Yet still the people keep their heads up.
Then when i got home the first thing that happened, was that i got smacked in the face with a big newspaper saying 92 people died in norway. and of course it's tragic and all, but it's also really impressive how much attention a news like this drawls. And the worst is how many other even more tragic disasters who just end up in the shadows. Because 92 white people are much more important than millions of people dying in the third world countries. thats what i hear the media saying!

mandag den 30. maj 2011

søndag den 22. maj 2011

In one week

Why is it that in one weekend you just manege to experience many more random thing than you do in the rest of the week!? I don't get it. In my weekends i always experience allot of random events compared to the rest of the week! It's like i'm only truly living in the weekends and the rest of the week is just gray and dull. Monday is just a grey rainy cloud compared to Saturday which i just filled with an intoxicating aroma and city lights all over...

you wake up the next afternoon and look down your arm where all the stamps from the bars you visited last night still are smiling at you...

mandag den 16. maj 2011


How do you forget something you remember really well? 
How do you erase your memories from a very powerful experience?
How do you stop your mind thinking on and on?
How do you apologize on others behavior then nobody did anything wrong? 
How do you stop the wondering thoughts?

lørdag den 14. maj 2011

In 24 hours we managed to...

In 24 hours we managed to: 

*Go to school
*Drink allot of beer on "posen"
*Eat a wonderful gourmet meal (cooked by the neighbours)
*Go to a private party in Hillerød
*Allmoste set the roof on fire
*Considering café Ho :S
*Eat a bagel at 1.30 (dinner)
*Miss the train to the city by 2 min.
*Catch a night bus to Copenhagen
*Get a power nap in the bus
*freeze our asses of
*Find a bar called Dunkel
*Pay our way in with Macadonian money
*Meet a VERY drunk man
*Talk to a guy with a paper Iphone 4
*See a picture of a mans balls
*Smoke some cigarets
*Have a quick chat with a lesbouuu
*Try to reject a man looking like Frank Hvam
*Go for a piss
*see to gay guys coming from the toilet (witch was only 1x1 m)
*Walk around town
*See a woman with a STRANGE looking body!
*Go to bye a croassant 
*Meet a women in 7,11 who has a FUCKED up laugh!
*Make Acmed in 7,11 annoyed 
*Sit on a bench feeding the "chickens" bread
*Feeling like we where attacked by mega seagulls 
*Learn that you don't say "hello" to people unless they are eating McDonalds
*Almoste take the train towards the airport
*Catch the train to Helsingør
*Have a good laugh (don't know why)
*Wake up in Helsingør, where the sun is shining and it's colud
*At 8.00 heading home
*At 9.15 walking throw the door to my house
*Going straight to bed
*waking up at 17 in the afternoon

- And at 22.00 theres probably another party to catch again...

tirsdag den 10. maj 2011

good old times

Let's go back to the good old days where this was the shit! >


tirsdag den 3. maj 2011

Orange Vs. Man

An orange.
See an orange.
Roundness. goldness
Juice and sweetness.
See the orange
Sunripe. From Spain.
Let it take you all the way to Spain, to it's little dusty plantation.
Under a small tree.
Smell it now.
Smell its bitter peel
Breathe in the tangy scent, 
Let it slip up in your nose.

torsdag den 28. april 2011


Everybody are stressed out, over my exsams. Teachers & parents. everyone except me! I'm just chill'in

tirsdag den 12. april 2011


Go Juri Gagarin 108 min. in space and a high stress threshold. Followed by the whole population screaming Juri Gagarin. what a man... He maybe changed the wold a little bit.

søndag den 10. april 2011

Commercial suicide threat?

everybody hates those pop-up commercials...
but you never think about what they say because it's always so irrelevant. But just before i got one that chocked me quite a bit! it said: There's a place in hell for women who don't help other women! i'm pretty stoned that they are allowed to write stuff like that. When you se it you just start making a list of women you've helped just to make sure that you are no sinner! That is one shitty commercial. what is even the purpose whit a commercial like that i ask myself that question...

lørdag den 9. april 2011


The daily doses of Jack Johnson - Is a must in my life :D

mandag den 4. april 2011

The everyday visit...

What a funny little man!
Today i was at work in a little grocery store. 
And this man who always comes was here again today. Every time he stops by the shop he always buys the same things. Today - like every other day - he came around 5.30 with 4 50cl bottles of red whine, 3 bananas, a pack of toast bread and some gum. I don't understand why he buys 4 small bottles of whine why not just 2 big? I have this little theory witch is, that he is a little bit alcoholic and he thinks that if he buys allot of small bottles it doesn't look so extreme than if he buys big bottles. But it's weird because he doesn't look very alcoholic. Actually he looks very decent. It's funny because he kind of looks a little like a philosopher or a writer. He has these small brown round glasses, a big tummy and he's thick grey hair falls in a wave from the middle of he's head to each side. And when he always pulls up a 200 kr slip of cash he smiles a little embarrast. After he paid he remembers he forgot to buy cigarets and orders 2 packs of red Cecil. He puts he's cigarets in he's pocket grunting for himself, and leaves the shop with a satisfied smile on he's face... And i stand there, left alone in the shop wondering if i will see him again tomorrow at 5.30...

onsdag den 30. marts 2011

Brazilian: Hot or Not?


I am so frustrated. 
why is it that these days everything is about how you look as a girl and NEVER how you are!?
And why is it that all girls today has to look like 6 year olds, I'm so sick of it. What is i with physical exercise in 7th grade? I heard of a girl who said to another girl from her class in the shower that she had too much hair on her chest. Girls in that age are so piki on each other and so perfectionists, they tell each other everything, in good and in bad! and because of the youth culture today the small girls grow up and start sex, alcohol and smoking faar to early in my opinion. Then when the girls get about 16 years old, they want to look 6 agin. They remove all their hair everywhere, what is it with the search for the perfect fanny!? Today you can even pay your way through a full body waxing, people actually specializes in this and makes a whole career on it! I'm so tiered of everybody talking about what clothes they should wear or how they should wear their heir. Do girls really think that if they wear this top instead of that, then the boys wouldn't want to talk to them? Get over it girls. don't shave every single part of your body, don't consider what to wear at the next party one week before. Just accept yourself and learn to appreciate and live with who you are and the specialties that only you have got!

Now the little frustration has left my  chest ;)

mandag den 28. marts 2011


Damn.. i'm sitting here at school trying work on our project. but every time i look a out the window and the sunlight colors my face, i think of that WONDERFUL week, we had in Barcelona! What a fantastic class! I yearn for the noisy, dirty streets and the quiet music coming from the cozy little bars. I miss walking down  la' Rambla with the people i love in the sun. all the local pople always smiling, loving life, enjoying every moment on the bench in Sagada de' Familja'!!! i wish i was i Barca! :D

onsdag den 2. marts 2011


I found out something today. 


i really would like to blog about my cool little life but i'm too busy livin it! :D I'll blog when i get old og when i'm bored! :D

lørdag den 22. januar 2011

Train ticket

the safest way to be early
if you need to catch the train
is to, be late
so you exactly don't catch,
the train you can't catch...